Student Welfare

The student Welfare at Parklands Law campus falls under the Office of the Associate Dean of Students.

Under this department, we have an Associate Dean of Students, MKU Student Association council (Student leadership), Chaplain, Sports and clubs coordinator, Clinical Officer and Counselor.

Student governance

 We strongly believe in democracy. The students carry out elections through a democratic, student led process. This leadership is called Mount Kenya University Student Association (MKUSA) Council. They deal with all issues to do with student welfare i.e. student activities, social welfare, sports, trips and academics.

We also have monthly class representative meetings where we address issues affecting students and the class representatives have an opportunity to learn from each other on how to communicate information to the class and how to be an effective leader.

Dress code

In order to prepare our students for the practical professional experience, it is a requirement that the students dress in dark suits on Mondays and Tuesdays. We have received feedback from institutions where our students have worked as interns that their work and dress code is very professional.


We have various religious groups under the leadership of our chaplain. There are various activities for Muslims, Young Catholics Students Association, Seventh Day Adventists and Christian union. Each of them has a place to worship within the campus and has active members. They are all enthusiastically engaged in molding others. They carry out ministry within the campus and outside e.g. Prisons, children’s homes.

Counseling and Health

We have an in-house qualified counselor and counseling facilities. We also train interested students on peer counseling who support students in group counseling and educate their peers on issues that affect the student of today.

We also have a qualified clinical officer and a fully equipped clinic on campus.

Student Activities

MKU student entertainment through the social welfare secretary. We pride ourselves in nurturing talents through vibrant sports (both indoor and outdoor), clubs, drama, music activities etc.